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网站:文库114 | 时间:2019-05-15 06:50:41 | 移动端:国际学校第22周教学工作总结

  At UISZ, we recognise that working in partnership with parents is crucial for your child to flourish. We are delighted to welcome Mr. Antoine Ravnich, aparent guest, who volunteered 4 sessions of comics over the next two weeks in Years 3 and 4.

  在增城誉德莱国际学校, 我们意识到与家长合作对于孩子们的健康成长非常重要。我们非常高兴邀请了我们的家长志愿者Antoine Ravnich先生为我们3,4年级的学生进行4节的关于漫画的课程。

  Students were fully engaged learning about different types of comics, setting up gutters, speech bubbles, and express movement with stick figures on Tuesday. They will continue to learn how to draw various facial expressions, body movements and actions and postures with a story to go with it of course. Stay tuned for their masterpiece!


  This week marked the 100th day of school, and as seen in the photos, students in Early years found many ways to celebrate this event.


  Students in TOEFL (year 9 and 10) are studying fashion. They have been learning clothing and style vocabulary and the present continuous grammar point.

  9,10年级学习托福考试课程的学生们正在学习时装这个单元。 他们在本周学习了有关衣服以及衣服款式的词汇,并且在此过程中,老师向学生们展示了现在进行时的语法点。

  They conducted a fashion show in the classroom. The students designed and made clothes for their models (other students) and read out descriptions as they walk down the 'runway'. The clothes were made from materials found in the school.


  MYP & DP Chinese B students together with Year 7 Chinese A students went on a Chinese culture field trip in Zengcheng this wek. The students, supervised by Chinese teachers, went to RT-Mart, the local market and a Cantonese restaurant.


  At RT-Mart, students used Chinese Language learned from class to perform various tasks.


  They also purchased Chinese New Year decorations for primary and secondary classrooms from the local market and helped teachers decorate their rooms.


  For lunch, they experienced dim sum in a Cantonese restaurant. Students ordered food in Chinese, made tea by turns and tasted the food they ordered. These activities provided the opportunities for students to explore Chinese food and festival.


  Last week the High School Boys 'Basketball team travelled to Hong Kong for the annual ACAMIS tournament. The tournament saw the Cobras compete against six other schools from across China.


  Multi day tournaments are extremely demanding physically, you need high levels of fitness to play just one game, over the course of the tournament the team played three days with either two or three games each day. To their credit, the team's energy levels never dropped, not even in the fourth quarter in the third game on day 2!

  连日来的锦标赛对于球员的身体素质要求非常高。即便在一场比赛中,球员们都需要消耗大量的体能来维持高水平的发挥,在这次锦标赛的过程中,球员们需要连续3天,每天进行2 – 3场篮球比赛。值得赞扬的是, 篮球队的体能维持保持在一个高水平的状态,即便是到了第2天第3场第4回合的赛程!

  The team played some very skilled schools but their coaching shone through as they played excellent defence and operated a team offense. The defence was so good that against a high scoring team they shut them out for 0 points in the third quarter, no other school had achieved that. With the next smallest school at the tournament having twice as many students as us, it was a true credit to see how competitive we were against them. Games were narrowly lost (and won) but always the focus was on improving the team performance.


  Off the court the boys were a credit to their school: they made friends in between games, they cheered other teams and they supported each other in the evenings.


  国际学校第22周教学工作总结关键词:工作总结 学校 教学 国际 22周 U 

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